Floral Design 

We work closely with our floral designer who can create Bouquets, Buttonholes, Corsages, Flower Girl Wands, Cake Florals and a range of other Florals for your Bridal Party. Booking everything in one place will ensure seamless design throughout the whole wedding. You will be invited to a separate consultation directly with our florist to discuss your design in detail. 



Teardrop Bouquet


A teardrop bouquet is a stunning, cascading floral arrangement that tapers gracefully into a soft point, resembling the shape of a teardrop. This bouquet style is perfect for brides who want a romantic, dramatic look, adding elegance and sophistication to their wedding attire.

Bridal Bouquets: Your Dream Blooms


Our bridal bouquets are designed with love and creativity, blending premium blooms and lush greenery to match every wedding vision. Whether you desire a classic round bouquet, a cascading teardrop arrangement, or a whimsical, hand-tied design, we create each bouquet with an eye for detail and artistry.



Our corsages are elegantly crafted to celebrate the important people in your life, adding a touch of beauty to their attire on your wedding day. Designed to match the wedding’s color palette and floral theme, these delicate arrangements are worn on the wrist creating a graceful, cohesive look.


Small, elegant floral arrangement pinned to the lapel, also called a boutonniere. This buttonhole piece can complement the bridal bouquet and aligns with the wedding’s overall color scheme and style.

Bouquet - 

Beautifully Covered Ltd
Unit 10, 30 Cultins Road, East Hermiston Business Park
EdinburghEH11 4DG
Phone: 07984 154 803
E-mail address: 
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